viernes, 8 de abril de 2011

Supplementary materials

To me the most important package is package number 8 which includes a library and a set of books that learners could use like additional material for the second language learning and also it´s important for teachers to have a complete set of technological materials to work, like printers and computers with the latest softwares, that means the second most important package is the number 5 followed by package number 4 wich brings students the posibility to learn with videos and audios in english so they can be more familiar with the language.

Supplementary materials

Package 1: A set of computers for learner´s use, with accompanying language learning programs on floppy disk.
Package 2: A set of reference books for the teachers, including grammars, dictionaries; various specialized textbooks; handbooks of activities; and a subscription to a teacher´s journal of your choice.
Package 3: A number of overhead projectors and slide projectors, with all necessary film, slides and markers.
Package 4: Video equipment, with assorted cassettes, including language-learning material and films in the target language.
Package 5: Computers and printers for teacher´s use; each computer has a hard disk with the latest word processor and various programs that enable you to compose your own computer tasks for learners.
Package 6: Several cassette recorders with accompanying earphones (so that several learners can listen quietly to one machine); a selection of accompanying cassettes for language learning.
Package 7: A wide variety of posters and sets of coloured pictures, plus board and card games for language learning.
Package 8: A library of simplified readers in the target language, ranging from very simple to advanced. There would be enough books in this library to enable all students to borrow freely.

domingo, 3 de abril de 2011

Coursebook analysis

Coursebook: 7º Travelers. Macmillan. 2011.

The items that has got "0"  points is because the book doesn´t have those topics, for example the book doesn´t include audio cassettes, in this case the teacher book has a cd with activities but students can´t work in their house the listening activities. The book is easy to read, has appropiate visual materials, clear instructions, the contents are organized and includes periodic review and test sections.

In favour or against the coursebook?

In my opinion I´m in favour of using a coursebook. First of all because it is very usefull for teachers and learners because it shows the progress of the learner in the second language and also works like a planned structure so they can know what´s the next step and if the teacher is not completely sure about his or her knowledge the coursebook brings them guidance and support, in this case they won´t need any other expensive material to the class.  Finally the coursebook helps the learners to be indepent in their learning process studying in their home if they need more time to learn. In the other hand it could be negative if teachers don´t make interesting activities to motivate the learning process of their students, just in that case the use of the coursebook could be negative.